In the age of AI – What new skills will organisations and their workforce need to keep up?
The era of artificial intelligence (AI) is upending the world of work as we know it. That said, we have not reached the stage that so many fear – a world where robots replace the human workforce and destroy millions of livelihoods in the process. Whilst it’s impossible to ignore attention-grabbing headlines like Will AI […]
Why Emotional Intelligence and not technical skills determines career success
Ever thought about your emotional intelligence? Well, how human you are is what you will always be remembered for and organisations look for this when searching for future leaders. Emotionally intelligent employees have always been the difference for high performing organisations. By placing emphasis on recruiting the values and behaviours expected over the technical qualifications […]
Business Leaders – Are They Born Or Formed
We sometimes picture leaders as people who wear expensive suits and tells everyone they’re doing a great job – Well, at least that’s the Hollywood version in some films. It’s easy to think that leaders are typically like this since most employees never really come into contact with the CEO and various other C-suites. However as […]