Universities Supporting Student Entrepreneurship
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80,000 University students are either planning to or running their own business whilst studying for their degrees.
The research, from Santander Universities UK, revealed that around a quarter of these students were also looking to continue their business ventures after graduation.
Universities are often the first place for top companies to attract potential talents into their organisation through competitive graduate recruitment programmes.
However, the education system is now increasingly becoming an environment for students to start their business / innovative ideas instead of joining the corporate world.
Santander Universities UK Director, Simon Bray, commented that: “Students are generating significant sums of money and gaining invaluable experience as a result of their entrepreneurial ventures.
The prevalence of these businesses demonstrates a great deal of skill and initiative from students across the UK, who are already under pressure to meet the demands of their studies.”
We’ve drawn together a list of universities providing support for student entrepreneurship.