Emerging In-Car Technologies – The 4 You Need To Know
The technology in our automobiles has advanced dramatically over the past decade. There are now certain things we can’t live without that were deemed impossible not long ago.
These devices helps us drive our vehicles, get to where we’re going, communicate while on the move, and even fit into tight parking spaces.
The crazy thing is, all these advancements seem meagre when compared to what the next 5-10 years holds for automotive technology.
We are entering nothing less than a technological revolution, primarily driven by the internet of things, screen-less interaction, advanced artificial intelligence, and the mapping and monitoring of everything and anything imaginable.
For the automative industry, that means cars will be able to offer greater safety, control, and experiences for both the driver and the passengers.
Let’s get a clearer idea of what this could look like by diving into 4 of the most significant in-car technologies which are set to disrupt the market over the next few years:
Active Window Displays / Head-Up Display Technology
It’s over 20 years since we first saw metrics projected onto car wind shields, but new active window displays or Head-Up Display (HUD) technology is incomparable to the dim, washed out digits of the 80’s.
The past few years have seen this technology develop further and further and by 2020, we can expect active glass to be commonplace in the market of mid-range consumer vehicles.
For example the directions of a GPS system will no longer be confined to a small device but rather displayed in your field of perspective, through the windscreen and onto the street as you approach them.
Driver Override Systems
The release of self-driving cars vehicles on our streets is fast approaching, but autonomous technology is also present today and set to make an appearance in other forms.
You may already be familiar with cars that automatically stop if you fail to apply the brakes, but with the advancement of sensor technology over the next five years, driver override systems will enable a car to have the higher judgement power and stop you even if you have the gas pedal to the floor.
In-Car Marketing
Advertisements personalised by our behaviour are already appearing on our social media streams and smart devices, and thanks to the internet of things our automobiles look like their next target.
More and more things are becoming connected to the internet. Our fridges, our shoes, even our plant pots are becoming part of the every growing network of internet-enabled devices.
In the coming years marketers will exploit this, along with active window technology, to gather information on our driving habits and location and display targeted ads inside our vehicles.
Active Health Monitoring
Wearable technology has proven its capabilities in tracking our workouts and analysing out health, and now some car manufacturers are utilising it to improve safety while on the road.
Ford announced a concept, back in September 2015, that uses sensors on the steering wheel or seatbelt to track vital statistics, while other car makers believe they will simply pair with existing tech (like your smart phone or watch).
Whatever the method, active health monitoring hold the potential to reduce long-term damage and save many lives by immediately contacting paramedics on the drop of vitals.
Opinion Post: Jonathan Ross, Sales & Marketing Director, Marshall Leasing.
Photo supplied by: Marshall Leasing and Pexels.com