carbon dioxide

A scientist’s dream to save the world – transforming carbon dioxide into everyday items

Despite devastating evidence of an impending climate catastrophe, and the global recognition that we need to address it, the world remains without a viable, scalable solution to mitigate the 51 billion of tonnes of carbon dioxide we produce annually. ViridiCO2 is an innovative spin-out from the University of Southampton that enables carbon dioxide-emitting industries – […]

G7 Summit

A giant piece of sand art is calling on world leaders to cut carbon emissions – ahead of this year’s G7 Summit week in the UK

The giant footprints sand art – titled Time to Walk the Walk – is calling on G7 world leaders to ‘not just talk the talk when it comes to sustainability, but to walk the walk’. Commissioned by sustainable footwear brand Allbirds, the sand art appears opposite a seaside resort Carbis Bay where the 47th G7 […]

next generation of inventors(1)

The next generation inventors ‘creating’ to fix our health and the planet

With ideas hailing from sustainability, med-tech, sport-tech and mental health – these newest generation of inventors are creating to solve our health issues and the ecosystem. The founders are the recent cohorts joining the Central Research Laboratory (CRL), the UK’s first purpose-built hardware accelerator for product designers inventing ‘for societal good’. Selected from over 85 […]

food feed greenhouse5

Two prize awards of $1 Million (over £700,000) are being awarded to global food startups with sustainable ideas on how to save the planet and feed its growing population

With the world’s residents expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, according to a UN report, the Food Planet Prize award is looking for sustainable solutions on how to feed the world’s huge population and revamp the global food sector.  Created by The Curt Bergfors Foundation – a Swedish foundation established in 2019 to find […]

Extinction Rebellion

Lessons From Extinction Rebellion – What can they teach us about viral marketing and business branding

Traditional management theory tells us that sustainable advantage means protecting our companies against competitors, imitators and outside influences – So what lessons can Extinction Rebellion teach us about viral marketing to boost a business brand. The world has changed. Customers and communities no longer want to be treated as passive consumers. They want to be […]