Tryatec - The online sharing economy platform - Sabine Opis and Elena Sokolova

Share Your Startup Story – The Founders Of The Online Marketplace For Renting The Latest Tech ‘Tryatec’ Are Tapping Into The Sharing Economy

Despite trust issues plaguing peer-to-peer (P2P) ‘sharing culture’, predictions show that the UK’s sharing economy transactions could reach £140bn by 2025, according to consultancy PwC. This figure, up from an estimated £7bn in 2015, is on track for continued rapid growth thanks to people becoming more aware of how these sharing economy platforms operate and […]


PWC – Great Innovation Challenge 2016

Opportunity to reveal your innovative business at the Great Innovation Challenge 2016. PricewaterhouseCoopers UK, in partnership with the GREAT Britain campaign, are looking to showcase the best of British innovation at the International Festival for Business 2016. Entrepreneurs and firms, of all sizes, are invited to present their business’s creativity demonstrating British innovation – This can either be a new product or […]