Equity self-love emotions - I Am New Generation Magazine

Equity, self-love, emotions – Winners of the London Writers Awards 2021; Lisa Bent’s ‘Symona’s Still Single’ and Broccoli Book Club’s latest podcast “What Have I Done”

The keys to our collective survival in the midst of chaos are ‘Equity and access’, self-love, and facing our emotions head on. That silent inner strength we never knew we had, but should have been tapped into long ago. Lisa Bent’s debut romance novel – Symona’s Still Single: The voice of ‘Thirty-Something’ Single Black Women […]

London Writers Awards

London Writers Awards 2021 developing diverse writers across the publishing industry

The London Writers Awards – an annual development programme for diverse writers from across London – is open for submissions.  Sponsored by Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and supported by Arts Council England and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, the London Writers Awards 2021 is organised by Spread the Word – a London’s literary development charity –  and it is focused […]

mental health writing(1)

A virtual Short Film writing contest helping people to talk out more about mental health

Screenwriters from around the world are invited to write a screenplay for a short film tackling ‘the stigma’ linked to people talking out about mental health. The global screenwriting competition, launched by Layla – a Canadian-based mental health service – together with Open Screenplay – an online community helping writers break into the film industry […]