Smart London Board

Apply To Become A Member Of The Mayor’s Smart London Board

The Mayor of London is inviting applications from across the private, public, and third sectors to join the Smart London Board – Helping to shape London’s smart city vision.

Members will advise and play an integral part in the delivery of digital public services and the transmission of smart technologies to Londoners and businesses.

The aim of the Board is to advise the Mayor and the Greater London Authority on how to use technology to position London as the top city for business.

More details for applying:

*The Board is keen on having members that reflects London’s diverse communities and knows the opportunities and challenges facing London as awhole;

*Members will need to have a genuine passion for technology and society, and be able to provide expert advice in investing and using smart cities technologies;

*Those that have expertise and experience from these areas are also welcomed – Architecture and Planning, Construction, Digital skills, Infrastructure, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing, Robotics, Environmental Services, Health and Assisted Living, and Transport.

Get more information on the Smart London Board role and apply here.

Deadline is 23rd March.
