
Top 3 Money Lessons Every Entrepreneur Must Learn To Survive

These financial lessons are a must for every entrepreneur to learn – It’s no secret that new businesses have a high failure rate and the lack of financial control often plays a role. Within the business sector, it’s true to say that money makes the world go round. If you want to secure your future […]

Workplace Stress

Business Owners – How To Help Your Team Manage Workplace Stress

Spotting the signs of workplace stress is not always easy as everybody copes differently – But you can play an active role in helping your team manage stress before it becomes a long-term health issue. Asking your employees whether they are stressed offers no guarantees that they would actually tell you how they are feeling. Nevertheless, […]

Online Reputation

The Need For Entrepreneurs To Be Proactive In Managing Their Business Online Reputation

In this ever-connected world which promises instantaneous information, businesses have to be proactive in dealing with their online reputation. Cyber trolls come in multiple different forms, but the one which affects businesses most prevalently is the negative online comments. From TripAdvisor reviews to Google rankings, there are many different platforms it can exist in, but […]

Family Business

5 Insider Tips For Running A Successful Family Business

Running a family business still has a negative stigma but it doesn’t really deserve the bad press it receives as they are some of the most successful around the globe. With people pictured arguing with their siblings or parents, getting the balance right when running a family business can be difficult but it can also […]

Profitable Sustainability

8 Steps To Profitable Sustainability

There are eight ways in which companies can engage employees to foster business sustainability – and in doing so improve profits. Professor CB Bhattacharya, founder of the Center for Sustainable Business (CSB) at the European School of Management and Technology in Berlin, Germany, shares his tips on how companies can strengthen their stakeholder relationships.  We should […]

Your Business

Control Your Business Targets And Not Vice Versa

Setting your business targets can help you focus on what you want to achieve but it can also damage just as much as it can inspire. Targets can be great – helping you understand where you are going and how to get there. Business management trainer, Jean Gamester of Semaphora, advises on how companies can […]


How To Make Your Business Beach-Ready During The Summer Holidays

With school holidays underway and employees looking forward to a well-deserved break, businesses are faced with the challenge of negotiating their team’s summer breaks with the minimum amount of disruption. Claire Ward, HR expert and founder of HR subscription service for SMEs –The HR Hub – gives the following advice to business owners on managing […]

Bad publicity is never welcome

Dealing with PR disaster – Bad Publicity is Never Welcome

Bad publicity is never welcome and the way companies respond to it could be the making or breaking of the business. Believing that a company is immune from bad publicity is a sure-fire way of being completely unprepared when it inevitably strikes in some form or another. If there is a clear plan in place […]