Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: The Influence of Technology on Creativity and Art

The use of Artificial Intelligence goes beyond just automated tasks – How can we prepare for the fourth industrial revolution when AI meets Creativity and Art? Although the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not new, a recent report shows that the technology could add an additional £630bn to the UK economy by 2035. Last […]


Identifying Your Business’s Exposure To Brexit

The uncertainty regarding Brexit continues and I have been pretty much glued to the news, watching each twist and turn of the aftermath. Being in Scotland, there is the added dimension of Scotland’s place in Europe and Nicola Sturgeon’s overture to EU leaders to try and ensure that Scotland remains within the EU. As I have […]


UK200Group Ask: Effect Of The EU Referendum Result On SME’s Growth

UK’s leading association of independent chartered accountants and law firms ask the official Remain and Leave campaigns how the UK’s small business growth would be affected by the referendum result. The ‘Business Growth’ question, included in a recent report by UK200Group, addresses the lack of clarity surrounding how Brexit and StayInEU would affect small businesses. Here’s how the two […]

UK businesses

Technology boost for UK businesses

The EU Commission has published details on how UK businesses can increase productivity  through better access to technologies. The plans sets out ways to help businesses innovate, which includes improving access to cloud computing and services, data analytics and the Internet of Things. Business Minister Baroness Neville-Rolfe comments: “The fourth industrial revolution will fundamentally change the way […]


BREXIT – Why You Hold The Key

As the Brexit debate rages on, the question of what a Britain set adrift from Europe would look like – not just in the short term but for generations to come – is being hotly debated. Most economists and business owners are in agreement – a Brexit would harm the UK’s economy. A survey by […]