My Startup Story

WATCH: A Little Snippet Of What We Did At My Startup Story Event

#mystartupstoryuk – June 13 marked the launch of My Startup Story event as the place for inspirational young entrepreneurs to share their entrepreneurial stories and inspire the next generation of business leaders. The very first group of young speakers to grace the stage at #mystartupstoryuk were the founders of Pouch, Twipes and Onaria Technologies (PlaqueChecker). […]

My Startup Story - Thank you for supporting us

My Startup Story 2018 – Join Us At WeWork Aldwych on June 13th

Three weeks to go before My Startup Story and the impatience is growing – But only because we’re excited to network with you all as we learn and celebrate together everything about entrepreneurship, startups, and young people. What’s so special about giving young business owners the platform to share their entrepreneurial journey? The answer:- Empowerment | […]

My Startup Story

My Startup Story: Why Do We Need Young Founders Sharing Their Business Stories

We need young founders sharing their business stories because the power to inspiring others and birthing new ideas is to actually become the very inspiration that others need.  This is my second blog post for the magazine and I’m super proud of My Startup Story as an event platform for young entrepreneurs to share their stories […]