Advice On Stress Awareness – Take Survey To Understand Yours
Tricia Woolfrey is the founder of PW Consulting Limited – specialists in performance, productivity, stress-resilience and wellness.
With 440,000 cases of work related stress, depression and anxiety in 2014/2015, and the bulk of that due to workload pressure, the important question to consider is what about the people below the radar.

The figures depend on those which are reported, not those which go unreported, undiagnosed, or even unnoticed.
Some people simply don’t notice the stress they are under until they get burnout, and then it is a lot more work to get them back on track.
The first thing to do is to understand the symptoms so that it can be spotted early on.
Symptoms include irritability, loss of concentration, becoming withdrawn, insomnia, an increase in headaches, IBS and also resorting to eating and drinking more as a way of keeping a lid on it.
It is not unusual for individuals to be in denial about the impact of stress on them mentally and physically until the signs can no longer be ignored.
By recognising the signs early and taking appropriate action to manage it constructively, without suppressing or repressing, it is possible to restore productivity, motivation and engagement.
Take this survey to understand your stress right now – How Stressed Are You