A scientist’s dream to save the world – transforming carbon dioxide into everyday items
Despite devastating evidence of an impending climate catastrophe, and the global recognition that we need to address it, the world remains without a viable, scalable solution to mitigate the 51 billion of tonnes of carbon dioxide we produce annually. ViridiCO2 is an innovative spin-out from the University of Southampton that enables carbon dioxide-emitting industries – […]
A giant piece of sand art is calling on world leaders to cut carbon emissions – ahead of this year’s G7 Summit week in the UK
The giant footprints sand art – titled Time to Walk the Walk – is calling on G7 world leaders to ‘not just talk the talk when it comes to sustainability, but to walk the walk’. Commissioned by sustainable footwear brand Allbirds, the sand art appears opposite a seaside resort Carbis Bay where the 47th G7 […]
Snapshots of changes taking place around the world and its impact on families and women
A photographic look at the changes taking place around the world as families and the role of women, of all ages, changes within them. The reality of sweeping demographic, socio-economic and political changes have meant that there are many more female-headed households, families with single parents, working mothers, and families with same sex parents. Human […]
How EcoSpot aims to simplify sustainability using a collective effort
We are often bombarded with messages about reducing our carbon footprint and leading more sustainable lives but it can be difficult to know where to start. Maya Lingam, founder of early-stage startup EcoSpot has used her personal experiences to design a solution. She explains: “The idea for EcoSpot came about a year ago when I […]
As a young scientist…the economy will always exist but we want our future to be stable and safe
We only get one planet. The economy will always exist, whether crashing or rising, but we want our future to be stable and safe – that means economically and environmentally. The current pandemic is not enough to distract the attention away from the looming threat of climate change and the young activists behind the call […]
The six global food startups in the race to feed billions of people and reduce our carbon footprint
From plant-based pork combating diseases to microbes converting greenhouse gas into food – these sustainable food innovations are some of the ideas competing for the Food Planet Prize award aimed at remodelling the global food sector. Ending hunger by 2030 is one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and it looks like we might be falling […]
Sierra Leone going plastic-free with entrepreneurship
Plastic waste usage continues to be on the rise in several parts of sub-Saharan Africa, with Sierra Leone being among them. So, how are they using entrepreneurship to work towards ending the use of plastic? I recently spent a month in the capital city Freetown, where I noticed when walking to the famous Sani Abacha […]