
Will You Go Out On A Data With A Robot?

Human-machine romance may soon become reality as a quarter of young people in the UK say they would happily date a robot.

Survey found that 26% of young adults would date a robot provided it looks like a real human being.

Star Wars look-alike with C-3PO on the right.

ComRes and Nesta worked together to interview 1,000 young people, aged 18-34, on the possibility of an android relationship in the near future.

The research was mainly done to promote FutureFest – A weekend festival of future ideas to excite and challenge perceptions of the future.

“Our bodies, our identities and our senses are enhancing thanks to technology and societal shifts. Indeed, intimacy as we know it is expanding its boundaries – enabling us to experience love and affection beyond the physical and into the virtual,” said Ghislaine Boddington, Co-founder of body>data>space and one of the event curator. 

Other findings in the report includes, 50% of Brits using contactless cards would opt-in to have microchip implants while 32% believe the sale of fizzy drinks to under-16s will be tightly regulated like tobacco in 50 years time. 

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