social media
Ronke Lawal, founder, Ariatu PR

Social media is powerful and not understanding or liking it is no longer an excuse to not use it because when used correctly social media can lead to more business.

Media relations is a part of public relations which many start-up companies tend to focus on when assigning PR consultants and agencies.

It is a way for companies and entrepreneurs to build their visibility and enhance their credibility with their audiences outside of marketing and advertising.

This has traditionally included standard forms of media outlets like TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines but with the dawn of the internet and the impact of technological advancement, things changed.

New media came into existence in the form of blogging platforms and video platforms like YouTube.

Forums turned into actual social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn and the media landscape changed – Social media, in and of itself, also became a form of media.

PR agencies and consultants should no longer overlook the impact of social media as a means of building brand visibility, showcasing thought leadership and managing reputations. And neither should their clients.

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By understanding social media, entrepreneurs can know which platform works best, what to use and what not to use for their business brands. Image via

In fact, the role of PR agencies is not necessarily to manage digital campaigns but to empower business owners and their teams to ensure they understand the impact and its power on brand credibility, visibility, and outreach.

Online Engagement

Founders should get to grips with using it as a means of communicating with their primary clients and secondary audiences such as stakeholders and supporters.

Showcasing their own personal brand as a thought leader can add credibility and strengthen their business reputation.

By understanding social media, entrepreneurs can know which platform works best, what to use and what not to use for their business brands.

In the past, businesses had to wait for traditional media to share their stories but now businesses can use social media and new media to share their stories and if done properly, it can make even more of a lasting impact.

However, it is becoming more and more difficult not to have at least one online platform attached to a business as consumers are using it to share their thoughts and experiences with brands.

It’s a way to engage with consumers if we go back to the core of what PR is and social media is driving relationships with brands and their publics more than ever before.

Public relations has never only been about media relations and social media actually proves that this is the case. We can see what happens when brands and business owners go through a PR crisis and how social networks can either fan the flames or help to ease tension.

Social media has now become something that the PR industry takes seriously and we can see this through conversations, for example, around ethical practices in influencer campaigns.

This has made the PR industry and start-up companies face up to a new reality in terms of how it engages with audiences.

It is an exciting time and with the dawn of AI, it is set to change how public relations is practiced across the board.

Post By: Ronke Lawal – Founder of Ariatu PR

Images Copyright – Unsplash /

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